Automated HR and payroll system for UK government agency | HCLTech

Delivered HR management-integrated solution for a UK-based government agency

Government entity responsible for strategic digital services and operations of the local cabinet system needed a customized leave management and customized payroll solution to respond to global pandemic
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The Challenge

An announcement from the UK Prime Minister during the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to incorporate changes in their systems. Major challenges included:

The Challenge
  • Inability to enable absence tracking and an online timesheet system
  • No portal for managers to review and approve leaves
  • Lack of a streamlined payroll process
  • Need for an urgent solution to address these challenges
Delivered HR management-integrated solution for a UK-based government agency


We implemented an automated leave management system and customized payroll solution to accommodate scenarios like employee absence tracking during COVID-19. Our team engaged strategically with the client to integrate this solution with their system for smooth and timely payroll processing including:

  • Provision to define leave scenarios for COVID-19-infected employees, medically advised self-isolation and preventive isolation
  • Easy tracking of leaves and online approvals for reporting managers
  • Payroll conditions with configured custom rules
  • Hot deployment of solution with a smooth transition

The Impact

  • 100% automation of leave and attendance management process
  • 100% elimination of human errors in payroll processing
  • Zero disruption to business